The particle data file[100KB] contains; The particle ID is unique, so that the same particle location could be correctly tracked with using the serial particle files.
Particle Files  (ptc???.dat)
                             #1 camera     #2 camera     #3 camera  intensity
   ID    x      y      z      X      Y      X      Y      X      Y
    4 -0.301  0.584  0.893 147.61  64.91  95.55  65.10  53.07  65.92 208.18
    6 -0.898  1.266 -0.258   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00  46.22   0.15 208.69
    8  1.178  0.886  0.149 249.88  38.07 251.10  35.42 219.99  32.46 191.52
    9  0.720 -1.242 -0.530 183.76 252.88 201.24 254.40   0.00   0.00 211.21

   unit: x,y,z  [cm]
         X,Y    [pixel]

   The particle ID is unique number, therefore, the same particle could
   be easily tracked with checking the ID for serial particle files.